Chennai. Dec 2016.
Meet Aanya. Aanya is the bride's niece. Like most wedding stories, this one isn't about her, but just look at this face would you? For me, on this day, Aanya was the star. This is the face of a kid who is about to be told in a few hours, that her much awaited birthday party, that she has spent all morning inviting people to, is about to be cancelled. All because the Chief Minister of this state is critical, and there is no saying what what might transpire if something untoward were to happen. No one wanted to take a chance.
and here is Aanya, half way through the wedding, energy levels are visibly down but she hangs in there, constantly by the side of her aunt, the bride.
Getting back to the wedding, I had the pleasure of shooting Soumya & Vinod's beautiful wedding in December, last year, and here are some photos shot by me with Shuchi Kapoor and Lakshmi Jagan.